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В деле национальной безопасности гуманитарная сфера не менее важна, чем военно-промышленная… Однако эта проблема слабо разработана в российской историографии, и она не стала объектом пристального внимания в середине 1990-х гг., когда о ней было заявлено в Концеции государственной национальной политики Российской Федерации. Тем не менее, развитие событий, трансформация отношений между этническими общностями, наличие мощных миграционных потоков, событий межэтнического противостояния на постсоветском пространстве, и особенно на территории Украины, вызывает необходимость глубокого изучения этой сложной социальной проблемы. Вероятно, не случаен тот факт, что проблема прозвучала на состоявшейся 22–26 мая 2015 г. Международной научно-просветительской конференции в Сочи, на которой докладчики (Г. Рогачая, К.И. Трубачева, С.-Х.М. Нунуев и другие) также отметили слабую разработку столь актуальной темы исторической науки в целом и применительно к современности, ее недостаточную источниковую базу. И это в то время, когда вопрос объединяет вокруг себя отношения между разными этническими общностями, религиозный фактор, межэтнические конфликты, возникающие на почве обострения межэтнических отношений, фактор территориальности, криминогенную ситуацию, разные стороны жизни народов в условиях рыночных отношений на территории России, в новой геополитической обстановке. Во многом изучение этой темы позволяет познать не только уроки истории, но и получить ответы на ее вызовы, особенно связанные с толкованием «моделей» социальных систем управления, обустройства народов, таких новых понятий, как «покаяние», необоснованные, малозначимые в жизни народов конструкции типа пребывания той или иной этнической общности во власти. Изучение темы позволяет выявить и неверные толкования исторических процессов, наносящих явный вред формированию самосознания и национального сознания граждан (Л.Н. Дьяченко и др.). В связи с этим особое значение приобретает формирование правового обеспечения обустройства жизни народов, устранение имеющихся негативов в воспитании культуры межэтнического общения. Все это будет содействовать упрочению мира, гражданского согласия и консолидации.

Ключевые слова

безопасность; межэтнические противоречия; право; этническая общность; гармонизация; консолидация; Украина

Полный текст:



The concept of state national policy of the Russian Federation, The Rehabilitation of the peoples of Russia. [Koncepcija gosudarstvennoj nacional'noj politiki Rossijskoj Federacii. Reabilitacija narodov Rossii.].The collection of documents. Moscow, 2000. P. 9.

Ibid. P. 11.

On the rehabilitation of repressed peoples (21 April 1991); the Law of the Russian Federation "On the establishment of the transitional period on state and territorial demarcation of the Russian Federation" (July 3, 1992), the decree of the President of the Russian Federation "About measures for implementation of the territorial rehabilitation of repressed peoples" (16 September 1995), etc.

Rehabilitation of the peoples of Russia. The collection of documents. Moscow, 2000. P. 74.

Ibid. P. 121–122.

See: Repressed peoples of Russia: Chechens and Ingush. Moscow, 1994. P. 11–25.

See: Ibid. Pp. 115–116.

Alafeev A.A., Sabanchiev H.M.-A. Rehabilitation of the Balkar people: problems solutions. [Reabilitacija balkarskogo naroda: problemy reshenija]. Russian history. 2008. No. 1. P. 79–90.

To the question to the Chairman of the Commission on victims of political repression under the President of Russia, A.N. Yakovlev from the newspaper Frankfurter Allgemaine Zeitung (Germany, from March 15, 2005): You have more than one year engaged in the problem of Soviet totalitarianism. How many people died because of Stalin's terror? A. Yakovlev replied: "This question is impossible to answer: We are still finding mass graves, and don't know who's in them. Recently became acquainted with the case party Secretary from Ukraine. He personally killed 3,000 people. The Politburo set in 1937–1938 quota to the execution of hundreds of thousands of people. During collectivization five million peasant families were deported to the Urals – how many of them died? Then there were the deportation of peoples of the Caucasus. We know that during the deportation of about 40% of people died, especially children. The exact numbers we don't know. I think that the victims of Stalin became from 20 to 25 million people..." (see also: URL: http://www.inosmi.ru/translation/218038.html).

The practice of national relations in the 1990-ies has similar facts and in Russia. So, during the 50th anniversary of the deportation of Balkars (1994) The President of the Russian Federation appealed to the Balkar people: "Today, on the sad occasion of the 50th anniversary of the forced evacuation of the Balkars, bowed deeply before the memory of the untimely deceased in the link, I Express my sincere sympathy and condolences to their families and friends. As the President of the Russian Federation bring You apologize for the injustice" (Cm.: Kabardino-Balkarian Pravda, 10 March 1994). Unfortunately, the policy of rehabilitation, as it was planned, was not brought to its logical conclusion.

Levinson A. The thirty-seventh year. [Tridcat' sed'moj god]. Vedomosti. On 14 September 2007. No. 165 (1939).

Khlynina T.P., Krinko E.F. History, politics and nation-building in the North Caucasus. [Istorija, politika i naciestroitel'stvo na Severnom Kavkaze.]. Rostov-on-Don: Publishing house of UNC RAS, 2014. P. 88.

SARF. F. 3316, op. 2, D. 1078, L. 69.

"The Koreans of Central Asia. Who are they?" [Korejcy Srednej Azii. Kto oni?]. Seoul, 2014. (by Kor. and Rus.)

See: Rogatchaya V.E. Problems of politicization of religion in the context of national security victory for the peoples of the Soviet Union in the great Patriotic war. National identity and historical memory. 1945-2015. [Problemy politizacii religii v kontekste nacional'noj bezopasnosti. Pobeda narodov Sovetskogo Sojuza v Velikoj Otechestvennoj vojne. Nacional'noe samosoznanie i istoricheskaja pamjat'. 1945–2015 gg.].Materials of international scientific-educational conference. 22–26 May. Krasnodar, 2015. P. 127; Trubachev K.I. The national security of the Russian Federation in new geopolitical conditions[Obespechenie nacional'noj bezopasnosti Rossijskoj Federacii v novyh geopoliticheskih uslovijah] P. 265, etc.

Ibid. by: Kan Den-Sik. Sino-Korean relations at the present stage of development in the context of the formation of the new world order. [Kitajsko-korejskie otnoshenija na sovremennom jetape razvitija v kontekste stanovlenija novogo mirovogo porjadka]. Proceedings of Korean studies in Central Asia. Almaty, 2015. P. 225.

According to the Ministry of economic development. The diary entries of the author.

Ibid. by: Brod A. The statement of the Moscow Bureau for human rights in connection with the meeting of the presidential Council of the Russian Federation on culture and art art and Culture Available at https://mail.yandex.ru/neo2/?uid=9017806&login=nikolay401#draft

Took place In Moscow consular negotiations // Arirang. No. 1 (22). 2004. P.12.

Brod A. Aggressive Manifestations of xenophobia in the Russian Federation for the period from January to August 2012 Overview of the Moscow Bureau for human rights // URL: humanrights@amadeo-com.ru (Moscow bureau for human rights).



See: The concept of state national policy of the Russian Federation // the Rehabilitation of the peoples of Russia. The collection of documents. Moscow, 2000. P.


Brod A. Aggressive Manifestations of xenophobia in the Russian Federation for the period from January to August 2012 Overview of the Moscow Bureau for human rights URL: humanrights@amadeo-com.ru (Moscow bureau for human rights).

Joint meeting of the Council for interethnic relations and the Council on the Russian language. Available at: http://www.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/49491. May 20, 2015.

Ibid. by: Brod A. Manifestations of aggressive xenophobia in the Russian Federation. Overview of the Moscow Bureau for human rights . Available at https://mail.yandex.ru/neo2/? id=9017806&login=nikolay401#compose/1710000003202200383

Brod A. Overview of the Moscow Bureau for human rights humanrights@amadeo-om.ru (Moscow bureau for human rights). 2012. Религия. Available at https://mail.yandex.ru/neo2/?d=9017806&login=nikolay401#compose/1710000003202200383

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17748/2075-9908.2015.7.5/1.090-107


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