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Данная статья рассматривает круг вопросов, связанных с современным полем исследования интерактивной доку-менталистики, представляющей собой активно развиваю-щийся и перспективный документальный жанр. Основное внимание уделяется качественным признакам феномена интерактивного документального фильма, разнообразию его современных форм.

Ключевые слова

интерактивный документальный фильм, цифровые медиа, мультимедийный контент, интерактив-ность, пользовательский контент, нелинейный нарратив.

Полный текст:



Gaudenzi S. The Living Documentary: from representing reality to co-creating reality in digital interactive documen-tary. A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Goldsmiths (Centre for Cultural Studies), University of London. London, January 2013. – 308 p.

Gifreu A. The interactive multimedia documentary. A proposed model of analysis. [Research Pre-PhD]. Department of Communication: Universitat Pompeu Fabra. 2010.

Aston J., Gaudenzi S. Interactive documentary: setting the field. Studies in Documentary Film, 2012, Volume 6, Num-ber 2. – P. 125–139. chrome-extension://oemmndcbldboiebfnladdacbdfmadadm/http://www.sethkeen.net/readings/i-docSettingField.pdf.

Nash K. Modes of Interactivity: Analyzing the Web-Doc // Media, Culture and Society, Vol.34, n2, 2012. – P. 195–210.

Braida N. Web documentary. Documenting reality in the Post-media age. – Academico, 2013. – 157 p.

Nash K. What is interactivity for? The social dimension of

web-documentary participation // Academia.edu. – 2014. – URL: https://www.academia.edu/6725191/What_is_interactivity_for_The_social_dimension_of_web-documentary_participation (accessed: 21.09.2014).

MIT OpenDocLab http://opendoclab.mit.edu/welcome/background (accessed: 21.09.2014).

Laurel B. Computers as Theatre. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1993.

NFB/interactive - National Film Board of Canada: https://www.nfb.ca/interactive/ (accessed: 21.09.2014).

IDFA Doc Lab: http://www.doclab.org/ (accessed: 21.09.2014).

docSHIFT Index: http://doctoronto.ca/docshift-index (accessed: 21.09.2014).

Docubase: http://docubase.mit.edu/(accessed: 21.09.2014).

Tribeca: http://tribecafilm.com/(accessed: 21.09.2014).

Sundance: http://www.sundance.org/festival/ (accessed: 21.09.2014).

i-Docs: http://i-docs.org/ (accessed: 21.09.2014).

Le Blog Documentaire: http://cinemadocumentaire.wordpress.com/ (accessed: 21.09.2014).

Webdocu: http://webdocu.fr/web-documentaire/(accessed: 21.09.2014).

Webdoku: http://webdoku.de/(accessed: 21.09.2014).

ISO FDIS 9241-210:2009. Ergonomics of human system interaction — Part 210: Human-centered design for interac-tive systems (formerly known as 13407). International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Switzerland.

i-Doc: http://i-docs.org/about-idocs/(accessed: 21.09.2014).


Gaudenzi S. The Living Documentary: from representing reality to co-creating reality in digital interactive documen-tary. A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Goldsmiths (Centre for Cultural Studies), University of London. London, January 2013. p .308.

Gifreu A. The interactive multimedia documentary. A proposed model of analysis. [Research Pre-PhD]. Department of Communication: Universitat Pompeu Fabra. 2010.

Aston J., Gaudenzi S. Gaudenzi Interactive documentary: setting the field. Studies in Documentary Film, 2012, Vol-ume 6, Number 2. pp. 125-139. chrome-extension://oemmndcbldboiebfnladdacbdfmadadm/http://www.sethkeen.net/readings/i-docSettingField.pdf.

Nash K. Modes of Interactivity: Analyzing the Web-Doc. Media, Culture and Society, Vol.34, No.2, 2012. pp. 195–210.

Braida N. Web documentary. Documenting reality in the Post-media age. Academico, 2013. 157 p.

Nash K. What is interactivity for? The social dimension of

web documentary participation. Academia.edu. 2014. URL: https://www.academia.edu/6725191/What_is_interactivity_for_The_social_dimension_of_web-documentary_participation (accessed: 21.09.2014).

MIT OpenDocLab http://opendoclab.mit.edu/welcome/background (accessed: 21.09.2014).

Laurel B. Computers as Theatre. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1993.

NFB/interactive – National Film Board of Canada: https://www.nfb.ca/interactive/ (accessed: 21.09.2014).

IDFA Doc Lab: http://www.doclab.org/ (accessed: 21.09.2014).

docSHIFT Index: http://doctoronto.ca/docshift-index (accessed: 21.09.2014).

Docubase: http://docubase.mit.edu/ (accessed: 21.09.2014).

Tribeca: http://tribecafilm.com/ (accessed: 21.09.2014).

Sundance: http://www.sundance.org/festival/ (accessed: 21.09.2014).

i-Docs: http://i-docs.org/ (accessed: 21.09.2014).

Le Blog Documentaire: http://cinemadocumentaire.wordpress.com/ (accessed: 21.09.2014).

Webdocu: http://webdocu.fr/web-documentaire/ (accessed: 21.09.2014).

Webdoku: http://webdoku.de/ (accessed: 21.09.2014).

ISO FDIS 9241-210:2009. Ergonomics of human system interaction - Part 210: Human-centered design for interactive systems (formerly known as 13407). International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Switzerland.

i-Doc: http://i-docs.org/about-idocs/ (accessed: 21.09.2014).

DOI: https://doi.org/undefined


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