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В данной статье автор рассматривает вопрос право-вого регулирования добывающих платформ с отход-ными трансграничными трубопроводами.

Ключевые слова

добывающая платформа, трансгра-ничный трубопровод, правовой подход, правовое регулирование

Полный текст:



Cates M.B. Offshore Oil Platforms which Pollute the Marine Environment: a Proposal for an International Treaty Im-posing Strict Liability, 21. – San Diego Law Review (2012).

Jlstra T.I. Removal and Disposal of Offshore Installations, Marine Policy Report (1989).

Poustie M.R. Sparring at Oil Rigs: Greenpeace, Brent Spar (2013).

Mankabady S. Decommissioning of Offshore Installations, 4 Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce (1997).

Kirk E.A. The 1996 Protocol to the London Dumping Convention and the Brent

Spar, 46 ICLQ (2000).

Ulfstein G. Conflict between Petroleum Production, Navigation and Fisheries in International Law, 19 ODIL (1988).

Трансграничный трубопровод – трубопровод проходящий по территории более чем одной страны.

Summerskill M. Oil Rigs: Law and Insurance (Stevens & Sons, 2011). – р.12.

Passage through the Great Belt, Finland v. Denmark, ICJ, 1991. – р 94 International Law Reports (1994) р. 446.

Caron D.D. Ship, Nationality and Status in R. Bernhardt (ed.), Encyclopedia of Public International Law, vol. 11, 2011.

Австралия: 1968-73 Continental Shelf (Living Natural Resources Act), Article 5(1), 1989 Prevention of Collisions, Ma-rine Order No. 5, Rules 3(a), 1981 Shipping Registration Act, Section 3(1); Канада: 1934 Admiralty Act, 2(i), 1932 Fisheries Act, 2(f), 1953 Coastal Fisheries Protection Act, 2(d); Дания: 1972 Custom Act, Chap. 2, Art. 3(1); Эфио-пия: 1953 Maritime Proclamation No. 137, 6(b); Финляндия: 1983 Law on the prevention of pollution from ships, Arti-cle 1; Франция: 1976 Loi no. 76-600 (on pollution), Article 1(2); Греция: 1910 Act on Maritime Commerce, Article 226, Law of Private Maritime Law, Law 3816/1958, Article 1; Ирландия: 1959 Maritime Jurisdiction Act, Section 1, 1937 Sea Fisheries Act, Section 1; Италия: 1940 Lege No. 1424, Article 34; Япония: 1970 Marine Pollution Preven-tion Law, Article 3. Великобритания: 1974 Merchant Shipping Act, Part I(1)(3), 1894 Merchant Shipping Act, Article 742, 1968 Fisheries Act Article 19(1), 1964 Fisheries Limits Act, Article 3(1), 1956 Administration of Justice Act, Sec-tion 8(1); США: 1977 Navigation Rules Act, Section 2, 1975 Public Law 93-627, Section (19).

Lazaratos G. The Definition of Ship in National and International Law, Revue Helldnique du Droit International (1969).

A/CONF. 62/L.57/Rev. 1 (1980), section VII, "Other recommendations... ", para. (b), at 126, and Informal Paper 14 (1980, mimeo.), at 1 (Drafting Committee), as discussed by S.N. Nandan and S. Rosenne, United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982. A Commentary (vol. II, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1993).

Например, In re Safarers' International Union of Canada v. Crosbie Offshore Services Ltd [1982] DlR 135 (3rd 485 FCA); Offshore Co. v. Robinson [1959] AMC 1260 (5th Circuit); In re Complain of Sedco. Inc. [1982] AMC 1461, ILM [19821 318. 33 See 46 USC sections 183-89.

District Court for the Southern District of Texas Memorandum and Order in the Matter of the Complaint of SEDCO, Inc., 21 ILM (1982) 318 at 337.

46 USC sections 183–89.

Order No. 710, 1972, United Nations Legislative Series, National Legislation and Treaties Related to the Law of the Sea, ST/LEG/SER.B/18 (1976).

International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law with Respect to Collisions between Vessels; the 1930 Inland Waters Collision Convention; the 1952 International Convention on Certain Rules Concerning Civil Juris-diction in Matters of Collision; the 1952 Brussels Convention on Penal Jurisdiction in Matters of Collision or other Inci-dents of Navigation; the 1972 Regulation for Preventing Collision at Sea.

Agreement on Maritime Transport between the Netherlands and China, 14 August 1976, 1021 UNTS 249; Panama Canal Treaty between the United States of America and Panama, 7 September 1977, 1280 UNTS 3; Agreement on Maritime Transport between Spain and Equatorial Guinea, 5 December 1979, 1177 UNTS 213; and Agreement on Marine Transport between Finland and China, 27 January 1977, 1215 UNTS 65.

A.H.A., Artificial Islands and Installations in International Law (Law of the Sea Institute, University of Rhode Island, occasional paper no. 22, 2011.

Krueger R.B. (Rapporteur) Artificial Islands and Offshore Installations, International Law Association Report, Commit-tee on the Law of the Sea (57th Conference, Madrid, 1978).

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17748/2075-9908-2014-6-6_2-277-280


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